רדיו אורנים



Radio Oranim is an Educational-Community radio station, operated by Oranim College of Education and licensed by the IBA (Israel Broadcast Authority). The station broadcasts at 103.6 FM in the Kiryat-Tivon area. Programs are produced either by students attending the college or people from the community

Radio Oranim is a non-commercial station, located in the northern periphery region of Israel, and aims to provide  the diverse local population a place to speak and make their voices heard. Coming from the Kibbutzim, Arab villages and small towns surrounding the college, all the presenters at Radio Oranim are volunteers, producing radio shows for the benefit of the community. Pupils from local schools, both Jewish and Arab, come to the station on a weekly basis to study  professional radio broadcasting

We are proud of being a home for the less privileged people in our society, and see the radio as instrumental in acquiring life skills and reconnecting with the community. For example, the radio runs unique projects involving people with special need  routinely

For further information you are welcome to contact us at radio@oranim.ac.il
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