Shamoon, H., Cain, S., Shanas, U., Bar-Massada, A., Shapira, I. (2018) Spatio-temporal activity patterns of mammals in an agro-ecological mosaic with seasonal recreation activities. European Journal of Wildlife Research, in press.
Bar-Massada, A., Yang, Q., Shen, G., Wang, X. (2018) Tree species co-occurrence patterns change across grains: insights from a subtropical forest. Ecosphere e02213.
Radeloff, V.C., Helmers, D.P., Kramer, H.A., Mockrin, M.H., Alexandre, P.M., Bar-Massada, A., Butsic, V., Hawbaker, T.J., Martinuzzi, S., Syphard, A.D., Stewart, S.I. (2018) Rapid growth of the U.S. Wildland Urban Interface raises wildfire risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in press.
Friedemann, G., Leshem, Y., Kerem, L., Bar-Massada, A., Izhaki, I. (2017) Nest site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators. Ibis 159:812-827.
Carmel, Y., Suprunenko, Y., Kunin, W., Kent, R., Belmaker, J., Bar-Massada, A., Cornell, S.J. (2017) Using exclusion rate to unify niche and neutral perspectives on coexistence. Oikos 126:1451-1458.
Bar-Massada, A., Belmaker, J. (2017) Non-stationarity in the co-occurrence patterns of species across environmental gradients. Journal of Ecology 105:391-399.
Bar-Massada, A., Hadar, L. (2017) Grazing and temporal turnover in herbaceous communities in a Mediterranean landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 28:270-280.
Kishinevsky, M., Keasar, T., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Parasitoid abundance on plants: effects of host abundance, plant species and plant flowering state. Arthropod Plant Interactions 11:155-161.
Bashan, D., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Regeneration dynamics of woody vegetation in a Mediterranean landscape under different disturbance-based management treatments. Applied Vegetation Science 20:106-114.
Arganaraz, J., Radeloff, V.C., Bar-Massada, A., Gavier-Pozarro, G.I., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M. (2017) Assessing wildfire exposure in the wildland-urban interface areas of the mountains of central Argentina. Journal of Environmental Management 196:499-510.
Butsic, V., Syphard, A.D., Keeley, J., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Can private land conservation reduce wildfire risk to homes? A case study in San Diego County, California. Landscape and Urban Planning 157:161-169.
Friedemann, G., Leshem, Y., Kerem, L., Shacham, B., Bar-Massada, A., Mcclain, K., Bohrer, G., Izhaki, I. (2016) Multidimensional differentiation in foraging resource use during breeding of two sympatric top predators. Scientific Reports 6:35031.
Syphard, A.D., Butsic, V., Bar-Massada, A., Keeley, J., Tracey, J., Fisher, R. (2016) Setting priorities for private land conservation in fire-prone landscapes: Are fire risk reduction and biodiversity conservation competing or compatible objectives? Ecology and Society 21:2.
Alexandre, P.M., Stewart, S.I., Keuler, N.S., Clayton, M.K., Mockrin, M.H., Bar-Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Radeloff, V.C. (2016) Factors related to building loss due to wildfires in the conterminous United States. Ecological Applications 36:2323-2338.
Alexandre, P.M., Stewart, S.I., Mockrin, M.H., Keuler, N.S., Syphard, A.D., Bar-Massada, A., Clayton, M.K., Radeloff, V.C. (2016) The relative impacts of vegetation, topography, and spatial arrangement on building loss to wildfires in case studies of California and Colorado. Landscape Ecology 31:415-430.
Bar-Massada, A. (2015) Complex relationships between species niches and environmental heterogeneity affect species co-occurrence patterns in modelled and real communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20150927.
Bar-Massada, A. (2015) Immigration rates and species niche characteristics affect the relationship between species richness and habitat heterogeneity in modeled meta-communities. PeerJ 3:e832.
24. Orrock, J.L., Borer, E.T., Brudvig, L.A., Firn, J., MacDougall, A.S., Melbourne, B.A., Yang, L.H., Baker, D.V., Bar-Massada, A., Crawley, M.J., Damschen, E.I., Davies, K.F., Gruner, D.S., Kay, A.D., Lind, E., McCulley, R.L., Seabloom, E.W. (2015) A continent-wide study reveals clear relationships between regional abiotic conditions and post-dispersal seed predation. Journal of Biogeography 42:662-670.
M., Izhaki, I., Laviad, S., Bar-Massada,
A., Halpern, M. (2014). The role of abiotic environmental conditions,
geographical distance and herbivory in shaping bacterial community composition
in floral nectar.
PLoS ONE 9(6):e99107.
Kent, R.,
Bar-Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2014). Bird and mammal species composition
in distinct geographic regions and their relationships with environmental factors across multiple spatial scales.
Ecology and Evolution 4:1963-1971.
Bar-Massada, A., Kent, R., Carmel, Y. (2014). Environmental
heterogeneity affects the location of modeled communities along the
niche-neutrality continuum.
Proceedings of the Royal Society - B 281:20133249
Bar-Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2014). Biotic and
abiotic effects of human settlements in the wildland – urban interface.
BioScience 64:429-437.
Bar-Massada, A., Wood, E. (2014). The richness - heterogeneity
relationship differs between heterogeneity measures within and among
Ecography 37:528-535. (
Editor's Choice)
Syphard, A.D., Bar Massada, A., Butsic, V., Keeley, J.E. (2013). Land
use planning and wildfire: Development policies influence future
probability of housing loss.
PLoS ONE 8(8): e71708.
Bar-Massada, A., Stewart, S.I., Hammer, R., Mockrin, M.M., Radeloff,
V.C. (2013). Using structure locations as a basis for mapping the
Wildland Urban Interface.
Journal of Environmental Management 128:540-547.
Carmel, Y., Kent, R., Bar Massada, A., Blank, L., Liberzon, J., Nezer,
O., Federman, R. (2013). Trends in Ecological research during the last
three decades – a systematic review.
PLoS ONE 8(4): e59813.
Bar Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Stewart, S.I., Radeloff, V.C. (2013).
Wildfire ignition modeling: a comparative study in the Huron-Manistee
National Forest, Michigan, USA.
International Journal of Wildland Fire 22:174-183.
Bar Massada, A., Hawbaker, T.J., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2012).
Combining satellite-based fire observations and ground-based lightning
detections to identify lightning fires across the conterminous
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing 5:1438-1447.
Syphard, A.D., Keeley, J.E., Bar Massada, A., Brennan, T., Radeloff,
V.C. (2012). Housing arrangement and location determine the likelihood
of housing loss due to wildfire.
PLoS ONE, 7(3): e33954.
Bar-Massada, A., Wood, E.M., Pidgeon, A.M., Radeloff, V.C. (2012).
Complex effects of scale on the relationships of landscape pattern
versus avian species richness and community structure in a
woodland savanna mosaic.
Ecography 35:393-411.
Bar Massada, A., Kent, R., Blank, L., Carmel, Y., Perevolotsky, A.,
Hadar, L. (2012). Automated segmentation of vegetation structure units
in a Mediterranean landscape.
International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:346-364.
Kent R., Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2011). Multiscale analyses of
mammal species composition – environment relationships in the contiguous
PloS ONE, 6(9): e25440.
Gabay, O., Perevolotsky, A., Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Shachak, M.
(2011). Differential effects of goat browsing on herbaceous plant
community in a two-phase mosaic.
Plant Ecology 212:1643:1653.
Bar Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Radeloff, V.C., Hawbaker, T.J.,
Stewart, S.I. (2011). Effects of ignition location models on the burn
patterns of simulated wildfires.
Environmental Modelling and Software 26:583-592.
Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2011). Allocating fuel
breaks to optimally protect structures in the wildland-urban interface.
International Journal of Wildland Fire 20:59-68.
Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C. (2010). Two multi-scale contextual approaches for mapping spatial pattern.
Landscape Ecology 25:711-725.
Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I., Hawbaker, T.J. (2009).
Wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface: a simulation study in
northwestern Wisconsin.
Forest Ecology and Management 258:1990-1999.
Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Koniak, G., Noy-Meir, I. (2009). The
effects of disturbance based management on the dynamics of Mediterranean
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Bar Massada, A., Gabay, O., Perevolotsky, A., Carmel, Y. (2008).
Quantifying the effect of grazing and shrub-clearing on small scale
spatial pattern of vegetation.
Landscape Ecology 23:327-339.
Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2008). Incorporating output variance in local sensitivity analysis for stochastic models.
Ecological Modelling 213:463-467.
Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Even-Tzur, G., Grunzweig, J.M., Yakir, D.
(2006). Assessment of temporal changes in above-ground forest tree
biomass using aerial photographs and allometric equations.
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:2585-2594.