אתר אישי

פרופ' בר-מסדה אבי

סגל אקדמי

  • טלפון:


קורות חיים

השכלה אקדמית

שנה תואר תחום מוסד
2002 B.Sc. הנדסת הסביבה הטכניון
2005 M.Sc. הנדסה חקלאית - מים קרקע וסביבה הטכניון
2008 Ph.D. הנדסה אזרחית וסביבתית הטכניון

מומחיות אקדמית


במכללת אורנים

ביוסטטיסטיקה, מערכות מידע גיאוגרפי, אקולוגיה של הנוף, יישומי חישה מרחוק

מחוץ למכללה

מבוא לשפת R - אוניברסיטת חיפה

רשימת פרסומים

נושאי תיזה

עבודת הדוקטורט ( .Ph.D. / D.Sc) - בעברית ובאנגלית

מיפוי ומודלים של הדינמיקה של צומח ים תיכוני תחת ממשק הפרעות

Mapping and modeling the dynamics of Mediterranean vegetation under various management activities

עבודת תיזה למאסטר (.M.Sc. / M.A) - בעברית ובאנגלית

מדידה רב-עיתית של ביומסת יער על קרקעית באמצעות משוואות אלומטריות וצילומי אוויר

Multi-temporal assessment of above-ground forest biomass using allometric equations and aerial photographs


כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים

 Shamoon, H., Cain, S., Shanas, U., Bar-Massada, A., Shapira, I. (2018) Spatio-temporal activity patterns of mammals in an agro-ecological mosaic with seasonal recreation activities. European Journal of Wildlife Research, in press.

Bar-Massada, A., Yang, Q., Shen, G., Wang, X. (2018) Tree species co-occurrence patterns change across grains: insights from a subtropical forest. Ecosphere e02213.

Radeloff, V.C., Helmers, D.P., Kramer, H.A., Mockrin, M.H., Alexandre, P.M., Bar-Massada, A., Butsic, V., Hawbaker, T.J., Martinuzzi, S., Syphard, A.D., Stewart, S.I. (2018) Rapid growth of the U.S. Wildland Urban Interface raises wildfire risk. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in press.

Friedemann, G., Leshem, Y., Kerem, L., Bar-Massada, A., Izhaki, I. (2017) Nest site characteristics, breeding success and competitive interactions between two recently sympatric apex predators. Ibis 159:812-827.

Carmel, Y., Suprunenko, Y., Kunin, W., Kent, R., Belmaker, J., Bar-Massada, A., Cornell, S.J. (2017) Using exclusion rate to unify niche and neutral perspectives on coexistence. Oikos 126:1451-1458.

Bar-Massada, A., Belmaker, J. (2017) Non-stationarity in the co-occurrence patterns of species across environmental gradients. Journal of Ecology 105:391-399.

Bar-Massada, A., Hadar, L. (2017) Grazing and temporal turnover in herbaceous communities in a Mediterranean landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 28:270-280.

Kishinevsky, M., Keasar, T., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Parasitoid abundance on plants: effects of host abundance, plant species and plant flowering state. Arthropod Plant Interactions 11:155-161.

Bashan, D., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Regeneration dynamics of woody vegetation in a Mediterranean landscape under different disturbance-based management treatments. Applied Vegetation Science 20:106-114.

Arganaraz, J., Radeloff, V.C., Bar-Massada, A., Gavier-Pozarro, G.I., Scavuzzo, C.M., Bellis, L.M. (2017) Assessing wildfire exposure in the wildland-urban interface areas of the mountains of central Argentina. Journal of Environmental Management 196:499-510.

Butsic, V., Syphard, A.D., Keeley, J., Bar-Massada, A. (2017) Can private land conservation reduce wildfire risk to homes? A case study in San Diego County, California. Landscape and Urban Planning 157:161-169.

Friedemann, G., Leshem, Y., Kerem, L., Shacham, B., Bar-Massada, A., Mcclain, K., Bohrer, G., Izhaki, I. (2016) Multidimensional differentiation in foraging resource use during breeding of two sympatric top predators. Scientific Reports 6:35031.

Syphard, A.D., Butsic, V., Bar-Massada, A., Keeley, J., Tracey, J., Fisher, R. (2016) Setting priorities for private land conservation in fire-prone landscapes: Are fire risk reduction and biodiversity conservation competing or compatible objectives? Ecology and Society 21:2.

Alexandre, P.M., Stewart, S.I., Keuler, N.S., Clayton, M.K., Mockrin, M.H., Bar-Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Radeloff, V.C. (2016) Factors related to building loss due to wildfires in the conterminous United States. Ecological Applications 36:2323-2338.

Alexandre, P.M., Stewart, S.I., Mockrin, M.H., Keuler, N.S., Syphard, A.D., Bar-Massada, A., Clayton, M.K., Radeloff, V.C. (2016) The relative impacts of vegetation, topography, and spatial arrangement on building loss to wildfires in case studies of California and Colorado. Landscape Ecology 31:415-430.

Bar-Massada, A. (2015) Complex relationships between species niches and environmental heterogeneity affect species co-occurrence patterns in modelled and real communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20150927.

Bar-Massada, A. (2015) Immigration rates and species niche characteristics affect the relationship between species richness and habitat heterogeneity in modeled meta-communities. PeerJ 3:e832.

24. Orrock, J.L., Borer, E.T., Brudvig, L.A., Firn, J., MacDougall, A.S., Melbourne, B.A., Yang, L.H., Baker, D.V., Bar-Massada, A., Crawley, M.J., Damschen, E.I., Davies, K.F., Gruner, D.S., Kay, A.D., Lind, E., McCulley, R.L., Seabloom, E.W. (2015) A continent-wide study reveals clear relationships between regional abiotic conditions and post-dispersal seed predation. Journal of Biogeography 42:662-670.

Samuni-Blank, M., Izhaki, I., Laviad, S., Bar-Massada, A., Halpern, M. (2014). The role of abiotic environmental conditions, geographical distance and herbivory in shaping bacterial community composition in floral nectar. PLoS ONE 9(6):e99107.

Kent, R., Bar-Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2014). Bird and mammal species composition in distinct geographic regions and their relationships with environmental factors across multiple spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution 4:1963-1971.

Bar-Massada, A., Kent, R., Carmel, Y. (2014). Environmental heterogeneity affects the location of modeled communities along the niche-neutrality continuum. Proceedings of the Royal Society - B 281:20133249

Bar-Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2014). Biotic and abiotic effects of human settlements in the wildland – urban interface. BioScience 64:429-437.

Bar-Massada, A., Wood, E. (2014). The richness - heterogeneity relationship differs between heterogeneity measures within and among habitats. Ecography 37:528-535. (Editor's Choice)

Syphard, A.D., Bar Massada, A., Butsic, V., Keeley, J.E. (2013). Land use planning and wildfire: Development policies influence future probability of housing loss. PLoS ONE 8(8): e71708.

Bar-Massada, A., Stewart, S.I., Hammer, R., Mockrin, M.M., Radeloff, V.C. (2013). Using structure locations as a basis for mapping the Wildland Urban Interface. Journal of Environmental Management 128:540-547.

Carmel, Y., Kent, R., Bar Massada, A., Blank, L., Liberzon, J., Nezer, O., Federman, R. (2013). Trends in Ecological research during the last three decades – a systematic review. PLoS ONE 8(4): e59813.

Bar Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Stewart, S.I., Radeloff, V.C.  (2013). Wildfire ignition modeling: a comparative study in the Huron-Manistee National Forest, Michigan, USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire 22:174-183.

Bar Massada, A., Hawbaker, T.J., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2012). Combining satellite-based fire observations and ground-based lightning detections to identify lightning fires across the conterminous USA. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing 5:1438-1447.

Syphard, A.D., Keeley, J.E., Bar Massada, A., Brennan, T., Radeloff, V.C. (2012). Housing arrangement and location determine the likelihood of housing loss due to wildfire. PLoS ONE, 7(3): e33954.

Bar-Massada, A., Wood, E.M., Pidgeon, A.M., Radeloff, V.C. (2012). Complex effects of scale on the relationships of landscape pattern versus avian species richness and community structure in a woodland savanna mosaic. Ecography 35:393-411.

Bar Massada, A., Kent, R., Blank, L., Carmel, Y., Perevolotsky, A., Hadar, L. (2012). Automated segmentation of vegetation structure units in a Mediterranean landscape. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33:346-364.

Kent R., Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2011). Multiscale analyses of mammal species composition – environment relationships in the contiguous USA. PloS ONE, 6(9): e25440.

Gabay, O., Perevolotsky, A., Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Shachak, M. (2011). Differential effects of goat browsing on herbaceous plant community in a two-phase mosaic. Plant Ecology 212:1643:1653.

Bar Massada, A., Syphard, A.D., Radeloff, V.C., Hawbaker, T.J., Stewart, S.I. (2011). Effects of ignition location models on the burn patterns of simulated wildfires. Environmental Modelling and Software 26:583-592.

Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I. (2011). Allocating fuel breaks to optimally protect structures in the wildland-urban interface. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20:59-68.

Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C. (2010). Two multi-scale contextual approaches for mapping spatial pattern. Landscape Ecology 25:711-725.

Bar Massada, A., Radeloff, V.C., Stewart, S.I., Hawbaker, T.J. (2009). Wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface: a simulation study in northwestern Wisconsin. Forest Ecology and Management 258:1990-1999.

Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Koniak, G., Noy-Meir, I. (2009). The effects of disturbance based management on the dynamics of Mediterranean vegetation: a hierarchical and spatially explicit modeling approach. Ecological Modelling 220:2525-2535.

Bar Massada, A., Gabay, O., Perevolotsky, A., Carmel, Y. (2008). Quantifying the effect of grazing and shrub-clearing on small scale spatial pattern of vegetation. Landscape Ecology 23:327-339.

Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y. (2008). Incorporating output variance in local sensitivity analysis for stochastic models. Ecological Modelling 213:463-467.

Bar Massada, A., Carmel, Y., Even-Tzur, G., Grunzweig, J.M., Yakir, D. (2006). Assessment of temporal changes in above-ground forest tree biomass using aerial photographs and allometric equations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:2585-2594.

הנחיית סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים

רועי טלבי (תואר שלישי, בשיתוף עם פרופ' עידו יצחקי)

דרור דננבום (תואר שלישי, בשיתוף עם דר' אסף שוורץ)

אלי חביב (תואר שני, בשיתוף עם פרופ' עידו יצחקי)

דניאל בשן (תואר שני)

רננה מילבסקי (תואר שני, מנחה שותף עם דר' רחל בן-שלמה ופרופ' גידי נאמן)

תומר גואטה (תואר שלישי, מנחה שותף עם פרופ' יוחאי כרמל)