אתר אישי

ד"ר לפידות-לפלר נעם

ראש החוג לחינוך מיוחד

קורות חיים

השכלה אקדמית

.Ph.D, החוג לייעוץ ולהתפתחות האדם, הפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה. סיום בהצטיינות.

.M.A, החוג לחינוך מיוחד, הפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה. סיום כמצטיינת דיקן.

.B.A, מגמת פסיכולוגיה בשילוב B.A מצטיינים, החוג למדעי ההתנהגות, המכללה האקדמית עמק יזרעאל. סיום בהצטיינות יתרה.

מומחיות אקדמית

הכלה; למידה והתפתחות חברתית רגשית

Inclusion; Social and Emotional Learning and Development


במכללת אורנים

    קורס: "התלמיד" והדרכה פדגוגית.                          

מחוץ למכללה

מרצה מהחוץ בחוג לייעוץ והתפתחות האדם, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
חברה במרכז למחקר פעולה ולצדק חברתי במכללה האקדמית עמק-יזרעאל ע"ש מקס שטרן.

רשימת פרסומים

נושאי תיזה

עבודת הדוקטורט ( .Ph.D. / D.Sc) - בעברית ובאנגלית

לפידות-לפלר, נ., בחינת השפעתן של אנונימיות, אי-ניראות והעדר קשר-עין על אפקט הדיסאינהיביציה המקוונת. החוג לייעוץ ולהתפתחות האדם, הפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה. מחקר לקבלת תואר דוקטור (Ph.D), בהנחיית פרופ' ע. ברק, אפריל, 2009.

An Examination of the Impact of Anonymity, Invisibility, and Lack of Eye-Contact on Inducing the Online Disinhibition Effect. University of Haifa, Faculty of Education, Department of Counseling & Human Development, April, 2009


עבודת תיזה למאסטר (.M.Sc. / M.A) - בעברית ובאנגלית

לפידות, נ., תופעת ההצקה בקרב תלמידים עם ליקויים שכליים בבתי-ספר של החינוך המיוחד: בדיקת ההבדלים ברמת ההסתגלות החברתית וברמת המיומנות החברתית, בין תלמידים מציקים לבין  תלמידים המהווים קורבנות להצקה. החוג לחינוך, הפקולטה לחינוך, אוניברסיטת חיפה, עבודת מחקר לקבלת תואר M.A.. בהנחיית פרופ' ש רייטר, ינואר, 2005.

Harassment and Bullying among Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Special Education Schools: The Differences between Bullies and Victims in Terms of Social Adjustment and Social Skills. University of Haifa, Faculty of Education, Department of Education, November, 2004


כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים

1. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Dolev-Cohen,Michal. 2021: “Beyond theClassroom Walls: The Case of Israeli Youths’ Sense of Group Climate in Onlineand Offline Educational Environments.” KOME ? An International Journal ofPure Communication Inquiry. [h-Index=6; SJR= 0.22]

2. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Kais, Nasreen. 2021: “What makes inclusiveservice-learning inclusive?” International Journal of InclusiveEducation, 1-14. [IF= 2.15; h-Index= 47; Rank =5684; SJR= 0.836; Overall Ranking: 5684]

3. Shapka, D. Jennifer; Onditi, Hezron. Z; Collie, Rebeca. J; & Lapidot-Lefler,Noam. 2018: “Cyberbullying and cybervictimization within a cross-cultural context: A studyof Canadian and Tanzanian adolescents.ChildDevelopment, Vol. 89, Issue 1, 89-99.  [IF = 5.38; h-Index= 257; SJR= 3.103; OverallRanking: 612; Cited by 46]

4. Lapidot-Lefler,Noam., & Hadad-Bar, Hadar. 2018: “The powerful effect of observing and strengthening positive behaviors: Using differentialreinforcement procedures (DRO and DRI) to reduce inappropriate behaviors andincrease appropriate behaviors among children with ADD/ADHD.” Issues inSpecial Education and Rehabilitation, 29, 52-67. [Hebrew].

5. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam. 2017: “Cybervictims and Cyberbystanders in anEthnocultural-religious Context:Differences between Sectors in Israel.” International Dialogues onEducation: Past and Present, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 15-30.

6. Dolev-Cohen, Michal; Lapidot-Lefler, Noam. 2017: “Sicknessand health in cyberspace: Online bullying vs. traditional bullying amongIsraeli teens”. Dvarim, 9, 95-114. [Hebrew].

7. Friedman, Victor. J., Sykes, Israel., Lapidot-Lefler,Noam., & Haj, Noha.2016: SocialSpace as a Generative Image for Dialogic Organization Development. Research in Organizational Change andDevelopment, Vol. 24, pp. 113-144 [IF = 0.95; h-Index= 16; SJR= 0.283;Overall Ranking: 15425; Cited by 5]

8. Dolev-Cohen,Michal; Lapidot-Lefler,Noam. 2016:“Beyond the classroom walls: a comparison between the students' classroom perception of the classroom climate and theclassroom climate.” Mifgash: Journal of Social-Educational Work, 44,61-77. [Hebrew].

9. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Hosri, Hanan.2016: Cyberbullyingin a diverse society: Comparing Jewish and Arab adolescents in Israel throughthe lenses of individualistic versus collectivist cultures.Social Psychology of Education, Vol.19, Issue 3, pp. 569–585.  [IF= 2.38; h-Index= 48; SJR= 1.136; Overall Ranking: 3606; Cited by 21]

10. Lapidot-Lefler,Noam; Friedman, Victor. J., & Arieli, Daniela. (2015). Creating a spacefor the voices of people with disabilities. Journal of Israel Studies inLanguage and Society, 12, 218-236. A special issue on: Voices of people withdisabilities in the Israeli society. [Hebrew].

11. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Hosri, Hanan. (2015).Cyberbullying among Arab adolescents school students in Israel by gender, andgrade level.  Hyeotz Hchinuchi (School counselor), 19, 198-218. [Hebrew].

12. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Barak, Azy. 2015: “The benign onlinedisinhibition effect: Could situational factors induce self-disclosure andpro-social behaviors?”. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research onCyberspace, 9, no. 2, article 3.  [IF= 2.70; h-Index= 23; SJR= 0.85; Overall Ranking: 5549; Cited by 99]

13. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Friedman, Victor. J.; Arieli, Daniela; Haj, Noha; Sykes,Israel; Kais, Nasrin. (2015): “Social space and field as constructs forevaluating social inclusion”. New Directions for Evaluation, no. 146,pp. 33-43.  [IF = 0.86; h-Index= 40; SJR=0.374; Overall Ranking: 12746; Cited by 14]

14. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Dolev-Cohen, Michal. 2014:“Differences in social skills among cyberbullies, cybervictims,cyberbystanders, and those not involved in cyberbullying”. Journal of Childand Adolescent Behaviour, no. 2, article 149, pp. 1-9.  [IF = 0.503]

15. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Dolev-Cohen,Michal. 2014: “Comparing cyberbullying and school bullying among schoolstudents: Prevalence, gender, and grade level differences”. SocialPsychology of Education, Vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-16.  [IF = 2.38; h-Index= 48; SJR= 1.136;Overall Ranking: 3606; Cited by 136]

16. Lapidot-Lefler, Noam; Barak, Azy. 2012: “Effects of anonymity,invisibility, and lack of eye contact on toxic online disinhibition”. Computersin Human Behavior, Vol. 28, no. 2, pp.434-443.  [IF= 7.83; h-Index= 178; SJR= 2.108; Overall Ranking: 1206; Cited by 626]

17. Reiter, Shunit; Lapidot-Lefler, Noam. 2007: “Bullyingamong special education students with intellectual disabilities: Differences insocial adjustment and social skills.” Intellectual & DevelopmentalDisabilities, 45, no. 3, pp. 174-181.[IF = 1.347; Cited by 153]

18. Lapidot-Lefler,Noam; Reiter, S. 2007: “The phenomenon of harassment among students withmental deficiencies in special education schools: The differences betweenbullies and harassment victims in terms of social adaptation and social skilllevel.” Issues in Special Education and Rehabilitation, 22, 51-63.[Hebrew].


דוחות מחקר

לפידות-לפלר, נ.,  וברק ע. (2012). היבטים פסיכולוגיים של השימוש באינטרנט : הסרת עכבות בסביבה המקוונת - אפקט הדיסאינהיביציה המקוונת. מדריך לאנשי מקצוע, מטפלים ומחנכים, המכללה האקדמית עמק יזרעאל.

הצגה בכנסים מדעיים

1.      Papers Presented at Peer Reviewed InternationalConferences

Lapidot-Lefler, N. GlobalExplorations of Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization: Cyberbullying, cybervictimization,and cyberbystander behaviour among Jewish and Arab adolescents in Israel.Presented at The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Conference: "2016 Special Topicon Technology and Media in Children's Development", Irvine, California,USA, October 27 - 30, 2016.

Lapidot-Lefler, N., &Dolev-Cohen, M. Students’ Sense of safety in the class WhatsApp a group thatincludes the homeroom teacher. Presented at The 19thConference of the IOP Conference: "Professional Development for Educators",The Faculty of Education, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,14 May, 2016.

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Hosri, H.,IsraeliAdolescents in Cyberspace: Comparing Cyberbullying Between Jewish and ArabAdolescents in Israel. Paperpresented at the 60th Annual Conference of the Comparative and InternationalEducation Society (CIES), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 6-10 March,2016.

Lapidot-Lefler, N., Gur, T., Goldner, L., & Shoham, N., The use of the CLASSmodel in training special education teachers. Paper presented at the 6thInternational Conference on Teacher Education on the subject of "ChangingReality Through Education", Jerusalem, Israel, 2-4 July, 2013.

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Barak, A., Theeffects of online disinhibition - Lack of boundaries facilitates human behaviorin cyberspace. Paperpresented at the Second EastBordNet Conference on the subject of"Relocating borders: A comparative approach", Humboldt University,Berlin, Germany, 11-13 January, 2013.

Reiter, S., Bryen, D.N., Shachar, I., &Lapidot, N., Ending the silence: Adolescents with developmental disabilitiesas victims of crimes. Paper presented at the Inclusive and SupportiveEducation Congress ISEC, Glasgow, Scotland, 1-4 August, 2005.

Reiter, S., Bryen, D.N., Shachar, I., &Lapidot, N., Adolescents with intellectual disabilities as victims of abuse.Paper presented at theForging New Partnerships for New Challenges through Research, Education, andService, Annual Meeting & Conference AUCD, Washington DC. U.S.A, October29–November 1, 2006.

2.    Papers Presented at National Conferences

Dolev-Cohen, M., &Lapidot-Lefler, N. Social skills of the cyberbully, the cybervictim and the bystandersin Cyberspace. Presented at The Scientific Conference of educational counselors– 2016, on the subject of "In perpetual motion: Educationalcounseling in new spaces", The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, 13April, 2016. [Hebrew].

Dolev-Cohen, M., &Lapidot-Lefler, N. Students’ Sense of safety in the class WhatsApp a groupthat includes the homeroom teacher. Presented at The 3rd Conference of the KinneretConference for children Safety on the subject of "research and practicalaspects of the phenomenon of bullying among children and youth", KinneretCollege on the Sea of Galilee, Jordan Valley, 6 April, 2016. [Hebrew].

Friedman, V.J., Lapidot-Lefler, N.,& Ariely, D. Transitional Space: Changing the rules of the game andexpanding the boundaries of possible. Presented at The 46th Conference ofthe Israeli Sociological Association on the subject of "What seen fromhere do not seen from there: between geographic and social peripherals", KinneretCollege on the Sea of Galilee, Jordan Valley, 24-25 February, 2015. [Hebrew].

Dolev-Cohen, M., &Lapidot-Lefler, N. Social skills of the bully, the victim and bystanders incyberspace. Presented at The 16th Scientific Annual Conference on Research,Study and Creativity, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel, February 16th,2015. [Hebrew].

Stern, A.,Daniel, N., Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Friedman, V.J. The development of the "Trailsto Community" program for people with disabilities: Analysis of thepersonal and professional growth of persons with disabilities, families, andprofessionals. Presented at The 9th National Rehabilitation Conference onthe subject of "Rehabilitation — Convention, Beliefs, and Fulfillment",Kfar Hamaccabiah, Ramat Gan, 3-4 March, 2014. [Hebrew].

Dolev-Cohen, M., & Lapidot-Lefler, N. Cyberbullyingand bullying among adolescents in Israel. Presented at The 15th ScientificAnnual Conference on Research, Study and Creativity, Oranim Academic College,Tivon, Israel, February 10th, 2014. [Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., Ariely , D., Hajj, N., Kais,N., & Sykes , I. Promoting social inclusion of people with severedisabilities through action research and field theory. Presented at the SixthIsraeli Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research on the subject of "QualitativeResearch in Action," Marcus Family Campus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, February 4-6, 2014.[Hebrew].

Tavari Awad, S., Brenner, N., Cohen, J. &Lapidot-Lefler, N. Space of breathing and soul: Creating an"enclave" through action research for the advancement of personal andprofessional transformation of colleagues in academia. Sixth IsraeliConference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research on the subject of "QualitativeResearch in Action," Marcus Family Campus, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev, February 4-6, 2014. [Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Kais, N.  Learningfrom success in the academic course "From rhetoric to practice: Promoting thesocial inclusion of people with special needs in the community", What werewe able to learn? Presented at the conference titled "Learning fromSuccess: Academy–Community Partnerships", Belgium House , Givat RamCampus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, October 9, 2013. [Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Friedman, V.J. Action research and the evaluation ofmodel development of a decentralized services day center for people with disabilities.Presented at the 12th Conference of the AYELET "Towards an era of SocialResponsibility - The Evaluators Evaluated and the Public", DavidsonInstitute of Science Education, Weizmann Center, Rehovot, April 3, 2013.[Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Gur, T. Aspects in theuse of the CLASS model in pedagogical training and teaching practice in the departmentof special education. Seminar on "CLASS-- Theory to Practice: Presentedat a Staff-training Meeting of the Faculty of Education," Tivon, OranimAcademic College, February 27, 2013. [Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Barak, A. Intimacyon the Internet: Investigation of the factors influencing the positive productsof online disinhibition. Presented at The 13th Scientific Annual Conferenceon Research, Study and Creativity, Oranim Academic College, Tivon, Israel,February 20th, 2012. [Hebrew].

Lapidot-Lefler, N., & Barak, A. Investigationthe effects of anonymity, invisibility, and lack of eye-contact on toxic onlinedisinhibition. Presented at The 12th Scientific annual conference  on Research, Study and Creativity, OranimAcademic College, Tivon, Israel, January 31th, 2011. [Hebrew].

הנחיית סטודנטים לתארים מתקדמים

הנחיית סטודנטים בתואר השני בתוכנית לייעוץ חינוכי בעבודת הגמר, במכללת עמק-יזרעאל.

פעילות מקצועית/חינוכית/אקדמית, פיתוח וייזום

תפקידים אקדמיים במכללה/אוניברסיטה

במכללת אורנים

ראשת בית בחוג לחינוך על-יסודי, הפקולטה לחינוך, מכללת אורנים לחינוך.

מרחב אישי

חוקרת ומרצה בכירה בחוג לחינוך העל-יסודי, בפקולטה לחינוך, במכללה האקדמית לחינוך אורנים. ראשת בית במסלול ומדריכה פדגוגית של סטודנטים בשדה. היא חברה במרכז למחקר פעולה ולצדק חברתי במכללה האקדמית עמק-יזרעאל ע"ש מקס שטרן. סיימה בהצטיינות דוקטורט בחוג לייעוץ והתפתחות האדם באוניברסיטת חיפה והיתה חוקרת אורחת בפקולטה לחינוך באוניברסיטת בריטיש קולומביה, בוונקובר, קנדה. 

נושאי המחקר ועבודתה העיקריים נוגעים בתחום של למידה רגשית-חברתית (SEL: Social-Emotional Learning) במרחב המקוון ובכלל. בין היתר, עוסקים מחקריה בנושאים של קשר, שייכות, הכלה ואמפתיה, ובעולם הרגשי במרחבים חינוכיים; הבדלים תרבותיים בהצקה מקוונת; ובתהליכי הלמידה וההתפתחות של סטודנטים ושל הסטודנט הערבי בפרט.