אתר אישי

ד"ר דולב סמדר

קורות חיים

השכלה אקדמית



מוסד אקדמי

שנת קבלת תואר

Ph.D. / D.Sc. (דוקטור)

פסיכולוגיה התפתחותית

אוניברסיטת חיפה


M.A. / M.Ed. / M.Sc. (מוסמך)

פסיכולוגיה התפתחותית

אוניברסיטת חיפה


B.A. / B.Ed. / B.Sc.

פסיכולוגיה וספרות אנגלית

אוניברסיטת חיפה


תעודת הוראה


מכללת אורנים


מומחיות אקדמית

בעיות בהתפתחות, התפתחות נורמטיבית בגיל הרך, ילדים עם הפרעה על ספקטרום האוטיזם והקשר שלהם עם הוריהם, קשר הורה-ילד / תאורית ההתקשרות, שילוב ילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים בתוך מסגרות חינוכיות

Developmental Psychopathology, Early Development, Children with ASDs, and the child-parent relationship, Parent-Child Relationship / Attachment Theory, Integrating Children with Special Needs in School


במכללת אורנים



שם הקורס


סוג: תרגיל, שעור, סמינר, הדרכה

היקף השעות


מבוא לפסיכולוגיה התפתחותית

אוניברסיטת חיפה ומכללת אורנים

שעור – תואר I



מאפיינים ואיתור מוקדם של ילדים עם צרכים מיוחדים

מכללת אורנים

שעור –   תואר I



כלי מחקר בפסיכולוגיה התפתחותית

אוניברסיטת חיפה

סדנה – תואר II



עבודות גמר – סדנה והנחיה

אוניברסיטת חיפה

סדנה – תואר II


2015 - 2022

ילדי גן בסיכון ומסגרות תומכות בגיל הרך

מכללת אורנים

שעור -     תואר II



סמינר מחלקתי: סוגיות פדגוגיות והתפתחותיות בגיל הרך

מכללת אורנים

שעור -     תואר II


2016 - 2022

שילוב ועבודה עם ילדים עם הפרעות על רצף האוטיזם בגן

מכללת אורנים

שעור -     תואר II


2020 - 2022

משפחה והורות

מכללת אורנים

שעור – תואר I


מחוץ למכללה

אוניברסיטת חיפה:
הורים וילדים ומה שבינהם, BA כללי, 2005-2006 פסיכופתולוגיה התפתחותית, MA פסיכולוגיה, 2006-2009 מבוא לפסיכולוגיה התפתחותית, BA עבודה סוציאלית, 2007 תאוריה ומחקר התפתחותי, BA עבודה סוציאלית, 2007

רשימת פרסומים

נושאי תיזה

עבודת הדוקטורט ( .Ph.D. / D.Sc) - בעברית ובאנגלית

תיזת דוקטור ( .Ph.D):

תובנה אמהית ותגובה לדיאגנוזה בקרב אמהות לילדים עם אוטיזם: קשרים עם רגישות אמהית

 Insightfulness and the Reaction to the Diagnosis in Mothers’ of
Children with Autism: Associations with Maternal Sensitivity .

עבודת תיזה למאסטר (.M.Sc. / M.A) - בעברית ובאנגלית

 תיזת מאסטר (.M.A):

תובנה אמהית של אמהות וזמינות רגשית של דיאדת אם-תינוק.

 Mothers' Insightfulness and the Emotional Availability of the Mother-Child Dyad.

ספרים - כתיבה או עריכה

Dolev, S. (2014). Parental acceptance and resolution of their children’s ASD

diagnosis. In S. Lowinger (Ed.), Beyond the rainbow. Tel Aviv: Ahh. (Hebrew).


Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2008).  Secure

 attachment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The role of maternal

 insightfulness. Zero to Three, 28, 25-30.


Oppenheim, D., Dolev, S., Koren-Karie, N., Sher-Censor, E., Yirmiya, N., & 

Salomon, S. (2007). Seeing the child beyond the diagnosis: Parental resolution of  the child’s diagnosis and its implications for the parent-child relationship. In D. Oppenheim & D. Goldsmith (Eds.), Clinical Application of Attachment Theory: Bridging the Gap Between Theory, Research, and Practice. Pp. 109-136 (28  pages).  NY: Guilford Press.


כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים

Dolev, S. (2011). Interactions between mothers and their children with autism: The

importance of the mother's sensitivity to the child's signals. The Israeli Journal of Occupational Therapy, 20, 93-109. (Hebrew).


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Yirmiya, N. (2014). Early attachment

and maternal insightfulness predict educational placement of children with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders8(8), 958-967.


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Yirmiya, N. (2009).

Emotional Availability in dyads of mothers and children with autism. Parenting: Science and Practice, 9, 183-197.


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Baransi, N., Amara, K., & Said, M. (2016). Resolution

of the child’s ASD diagnosis among Arab-Israeli mothers: Associations with maternal sensitivity and wellbeing. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorder, 21, 73-83.


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Tal, L. (2021). Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Classroom

Experiences in Kindergartens Serving Low SES Families: Associations with Global Classroom Quality. Early Education and Development, 1-17.


Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., Dolev, S., Sher, E., & Etzion-Carasso A. 

(2002). Mother's insightfulness regarding their infants' internal experience: Relations with maternal sensitivity and infant attachment. Developmental Psychology, 38, 534-542.


Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2009). Mothers of

securely attached children with autism spectrum disorder are more sensitive than mothers of insecurely attached children. Journal of Child Psychology and 

            Psychiatry, 50, 643-650.


Marcu, I., Oppehneim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S. & Yirmiya, N. (2009). 

Attachment and symbolic play in preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39, 1321-1328.


Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2014). Maternal         Sensitivity mediates the link between Maternal Insightfulness/Resolution and            Child-Mother attachment: The case of children with Autism Spectrum       Disorder. Journal of Attachment and Human Development. 14(6), 567-584.


Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2009). Maternal   

insightfulness and Resolution of the Diagnosis are related to secure attachment in preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Child Development, 80, 519-527.


Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2008).  Secure

 attachment in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: The role of maternal

 insightfulness. Zero to Three, 28, 25-30.


Sagi A. & Dolev, S. (2001). Parents, educational settings and children in Israel:

"Sweet and sour". Megamot Behavioral Sciences Journal, 41, 195-217 (Hebrew).


Sher-Censor, E., Dolev, S., Said, M., Baransi, N., & Amara, K. (2017). Coherence of

representations regarding the child, Resolution of the Child's Diagnosis and Emotional Availability: A study of Arab-Israeli Mothers of children with ASD. Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders, 47(10), 1-11.


Sher-Censor, E., Nahamias Zlotolov, Z., & Dolev, S. (2019). Emotional support in

special education classrooms: Associations with teachers’ representations of their attachment relationships and teaching experiences. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28(8), 2232-2242. 10.1007/s10826-019-01440-6


Yirmiya, N. Seidman, I., Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., & Dolev, S. (2015).

Stability and Change in Resolution of Diagnosis among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Child and Parental Contributions. Developmental Psychology,27, 1045-1057.

הצגה בכנסים מדעיים

Aviezer, O., Dolev, S., Dolev, Y., Scharf, M., & Sagi, A. (1998, July).     

Attachment representations in early adolescence: Concurrent associations to  

behavior with parents. The biannual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development. Bern, Switzerland.


Baransi, N., Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E. (2013, April). Arab mothers’ resolution of

their children’s ASD diagnosis: Associations with maternal distress, psychological distress, and social support. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, U.S.A. 


Caspi, A. & Dolev, S. (2016, May). Moving towards relationship-based practice:

A training program for promoting physiotherapists' sensitivity toward. Poster presented at the 15th bi-annual congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Prague, Czech Republic.


Dolev, S. (2006, November). Parental coping with the Diagnosis of a Child with 

            Autism: Relationship to Maternal Sensitivity. Lecture presented at the Infants  

 Toddlers and Families in Israel Conference of the I.B. Harris Program. Bar-Ilan University, Israel.


Dolev, S. (2006, December). Maternal Insightfulness and the Reaction to the

            Diagnosis of Mothers' of children with Autism. Symposium presented at the

            14th bi annual meeting of Child Development Centers in Israel. Jerusalem,  



Dolev, S.  (2008, May). Maternal resolution of the child's ASD diagnosis:

Relationship with child attachment. Symposium presented at the 7th annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR). London, UK.


Dolev, S. (2009, March). Parental sensitivity and building a secure relationship

between parent and child with autism. Lecture presented at the Autism and Environment: Biology, Reality and Intervention conference. Haifa, Israel.   


Dolev, S. (2018, May). Supporting young children’s development within the

daycare: The Kibbutz holistic approach to early childhood education. Oral presentation presented at the 16th Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Rome, Italy.


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Yirmiya, N. (2009, April). Maternal

resolution of the child's ASD diagnosis: Associations with mother-child emotional availability. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development.  Denver, U.S.A.  


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Yirmiya, N., Taube-Dayan, S., &

Watchel, R. (2010, July). Maternal resolution of the child's ASD diagnosis over time: Thematic continuity and change. Poster presented at the 12th bi-annual congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Leipzeg, Germany.


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Yirmiya, N. (2011, May). The

educational placement of children with ASD in middle childhood: The contribution of child attachment and maternal insightfulness. Symposium presented at the 10 th annual International Meeting for Autism

Research (IMFAR). San-Diego, U.S.A.


Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., & Yirmiya, N. (2013, April). The

educational placement of children with ASD in middle childhood and early adolescence: The contribution of child attachment and maternal insightfulness. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, U.S.A. 


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Oppenheim, D., & Koren-Karie, N. (2013, August).

Mothers' resolution of the child ASDs diagnosis: A comparison between Arab and Jewish families. Symposium presented at the 6th International Attachment Conference. Pavia, Italy.


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Zolotov, A., & Tal, L. (2017, June). Teachers'

attachment style and narratives regarding their classroom: Associations with the quality of teacher-students interactions. Symposium presented at the 8th International Attachment Conference. London, Great Britan.


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Zach, E., & Shalem Gan-Or, M. (2019, August).

Emotional availability of kindergarten teachers towards children with developmental delays: Contribution to gains in children’s development and adaptive behaviour. Symposium presented at the 29th European Early Childhood Education Research Association Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.


Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E., Zach, E., & Shalem Gan-Or, M. (2021, April). Teacher-

child one-on-one playtime: Teachers’ non-intrusive play promotes developmental gains of developmentally delayed children. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Virtual.


Sher-Censor, E. Dolev, S., Shalem Gan-Or, M. (2021, June). Teacher-child one-on-

one playtime: Teachers’ non-intrusive play promotes developmental gains of developmentally delayed children. Brief oral presentation presented at the 17th bi-annual hybrid congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Brisbane, Ausrtalia.


Koren-Karie, N., Oppenheim, D., Dolev, S., Sher, E., & Etzion-Carasso A. (2000,

July). Mothers’ empathic understanding of their infants’ internal experience:

            Relations with maternal sensitivity and infant attachment. Poster session 

            presented at the 12th Biennial International Conference on Infant Studies.   

            Brighton, UK. (Also presented in June 2000, at the International Conference   

            on Psychology "Psychology after the year 2000". Haifa, Israel).


Lavi, S., & Dolev, S. (2018, May). “I see you, my little angel”: A Watch, Wait &

Wonder intervention for improving the relationship between mothers and their extremely premature babies. Poster presented at the 16th Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Rome, Italy.


Oppenhiem, D., Dolev, S., & Wittenberg, J.V. (2008, August).Interfaces between the

internal worlds of mother and child and the observable interaction: The case of a young child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lecture presented at the Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Yokohama, Japan.


Oppenheim, D., Koren-Karie, N., Dolev, S., & Yirmiya, N. (2007, April). Maternal

insightfulness into the child's internal experience is related to secure attachment among children with autism. Symposium presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Boston, U.S.A.  


Sharfstein, Y., & Dolev, S. (2018, May). Mealtime Dynamics: A comparison between

mother-infant interaction and daycare caregiver-infant interaction at mealtime. Oral presentation presented at the 16th Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Rome, Italy. 


Schaner, R.L., Shner, M., Dolev, S., & Smith, C. (2012, November). Global

            Learining Project. Symposium presented at the Annual meeting of the

Association for Educational Communications and Technology

International Convention.Louisville, U.S.A.



Sher-Censor, E. Dolev, S., Baransi, N., Said, M. & Amara, K. (2016, May). Arab-

Israeli families of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Associations

between mothers’ representations of the child and maternal sensitivity. Symposium presented at the 15th bi-annual congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Prague, Czech Republic.


Sher-Censor, E., Dolev, S., Oppenheim, D., & Koren-Karie, N. (2014, June). Mothers'

resolution of the Child’s ASD diagnosis: A comparison between Arab and Jewish families. Symposium presented at the 14th bi-annual congress of the World Association for Infant Mental Health. Edinburgh, Great Britain.


Tal, L., Dolev, S., Sher-Censor, E. (2015, March). Teachers' representations regarding

their classroom: Associations with classroom environment. Poster presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Philadelphia, U.S.A.



1.     הרצאות קולקיום והרצאות אורח בהזמנה


Dolev, S. (2006, November). Parental coping with the Diagnosis of a Child with 

             Autism: Relationship to Maternal Sensitivity. Lecture presented at the Infants  

            Toddlers and Families in Israel Conference of the I.B. Harris Program. Bar-

Ilan University Israel.


Dolev, S. (2017, March). Quality education from the beginning: Oranim College’s

zero-to-three approach. Lecture presented at the Early Childhood Education department, University of Malta, Malta.


Dolev, S. (2017, March). Inclusive education in early childhood based on Oranim

College's approach. Lecture presented at the Early Childhood Education department, University of Malta, Malta.


Dolev, S. (2017, March). Oranim College’s early childhood education approach: from

theory to practice. Lecture presented at the Early Childhood Education Association of Malta meeting, Malta.  


Dolev, S. (2018, October). Oranim College’s early childhood education approach:

from theory to practice. Lecture presented at the Early Childhood Education department, University of Malta, Malta. 


Oppenhiem, D., Dolev, S., & Wittenberg, J.V. (2008, August). Interfaces between the

            internal worlds of mother and child and the observable interaction: The case of      a young child with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Lecture presented at the 11th Biennial meeting of the World Association for Infant Mental Health.           Yokohama, Japan.

פעילות מקצועית/חינוכית/אקדמית, פיתוח וייזום

·       עוזרת מחקר במרכז לחקר התפתחות הילד באוניברסיטת חיפה, 1997-2006.

·       משרת פוסט-דוקטורט, אוניברסיטת חיפה +האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים 2006-2008.

·       השתתפות בצוות הגיוי אשר כתב מסמך המלצות למשרד החינוך בנושא חינוך לגיל הרך 2013.

תפקידים אקדמיים במכללה/אוניברסיטה

במכללת אורנים

2021                      חברה בוועדת המנויים                  מכללת אורנים

                                לדרגת מרצה ומרצה בכיר              

2021                          רפרנטית הפקולטה ללימודים          מכללת אורנים

                               לקשרים בין לאומיים

    2010 -  2015          ראש החוג לגיל הרך                          מכללת אורנים

    2010 – 2012          חברה בוועדת משמעת                     מכללת אורנים

    2014 -  2019          ראש התוכנית לתואר                        מכללת אורנים

                               שני לחינוך בגיל הרך