אתר אישי

פרופ' בן-שלמה רחל

קורות חיים

השכלה אקדמית

תואר ראשון (BSc), שני (MSc) ושלישי (PhD) באוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים

מומחיות אקדמית

אקולוגיה מולקולרית, גנטיקה, גנטיקה של אוכלוסיות, כרונוביולוגיה מולקולרית

Molecular Ecology, Genetics, Molecular Population Genetics, Molecular Chronobiology


במכללת אורנים

גנטיקה כללית
גנטיקה של אוכלוסיות
אקולוגיה מולקולרית
גנטיקה של האדם

מחוץ למכללה

גנטיקה של אוכלוסיות, החוג לביולוגיה אבולוציונית וסביבתית, אוניברסיטת חיפה

רשימת פרסומים

נושאי תיזה

עבודת הדוקטורט ( .Ph.D. / D.Sc) - בעברית ובאנגלית

הקשר בין מרכיבי דגם הפעילות היומית של החולד העיוור (Spalax ehrenbergi) והרצף החוזר בגן period בדרוזופילה


The genetic basis of locomotor activity in the mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi

עבודת תיזה למאסטר (.M.Sc. / M.A) - בעברית ובאנגלית

השפעת יציבות הסביבה והנטיה להגירה על הדינמיקה של חיפושית הקמח Tribolium castaneum

The influence of environmental stability and dispersal behavior on the population dynamics of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum 


כתבי עת מדעיים ומקצועיים או פרקים בספרים

Articles in Refereed Journals:


Nevo, E., B. Lavie and R. Ben-Shlomo (1983). Selection of allelic isozyme polymorphisms in marine organisms: Pattern, theory and application. Isozymes Current Topics in Biological and Medical Research, 10: 69-92.


Nevo, E., R. Ben-Shlomo and B. Lavie (1984). Mercury selection of allozymes in marine organisms: Prediction and verification in nature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 81: 1258-1259.



Nevo, E., R. Ben-Shlomo, A. Beiles, J.U.M. Jarvis and G.C. Hickman (1987). Allozyme differentiation and systematic of the endemic subterranean mole rats of South Africa (Rodentia, Bathyergidae). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 15: 489-502.

 Ben-Shlomo, R., F. Figueroa, J. Klein and E. Nevo. (1988). Mhc class II DNA polymorphisms within and between chromosomal species of Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Genetics, 119: 141-149.


Ben-Shlomo, R. and E. Nevo (1988). Isozyme polymorphism as monitoring of marine environments: The interactive effect of cadmium and mercury pollution on the shrimp, Palaemon elegans. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 19: 314-317.


Nevo, E., R. Ben-Shlomo and N. Maeda (1989). Haptoglobin DNA polymorphism in subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Heredity, 62: 85-90.


Ben-Shlomo, R., U. Motro and U. Ritte (1991). The influence of dispersal behaviour on population dynamics of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum. Ecological Entomology, 16: 279-282.

Nevo, E., R. Ben-Shlomo, A. Beiles, C. P. Hart and F. H. Ruddele (1992). Homeobox DNA polymorphism (RFLPs) in subterranean mammals of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel: patterns, correlates and evolutionary significance. The Journal of Experimental Zoology, 263: 430-441.


Ben-Shlomo, R., H.-S. Shin and E. Nevo (1993). Period homologous sequence DNA polymorphisms of subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Heredity, 70: 111-121.

Ben-Shlomo, R. and E. Nevo (1993). Myosin heavy chain DNA polymorphisms of subterranean mole rats of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Genetics Selection Evolution, 25: 211-227.

Ben-Shlomo, R., U. Ritte and E. Nevo (1995). Activity pattern and rhythms in the subterranean mole rat superspecies Spalax ehrenbergi. Behavior Genetics, 25: 239-245.

Ben-Shlomo, R., U. Ritte and E. Nevo (1996). Circadian rhythm and the per-ACNGGN-repeat in the mole rat, Spalax ehrenbergi. Behavior Genetics, 26: 177-184.

Ben-Shlomo, R., T. Fahima and E. Nevo (1996). Random amplified polymorphic DNA of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. Israel Journal of Zoology, 42: 317-326.

Ben-Shlomo, R., E. Nevo, U. Ritte, S. Steinlechner and G. Klante (1996). 6-Sulphatoxymelatonin secretion in different locomotor activity types of the blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi. Journal of Pineal Research, 21: 243-250.

Ben-Shlomo, R., J. Douek and B. Rinkevich (2001). Heterozygote deficiency and chimerism in remote populations of a colonial ascidian from New Zealand. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 209: 109-117.

Stoner, D.S., R. Ben-Shlomo, B. Rinkevich and I. Weisman (2002). Genetic Variability of Botryllus schlosseri invasions to the East and West Coasts of USA. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 243: 93-100.

Ben-Shlomo, R. and C.P. Kyriacou (2002). Circadian rhythm entrainment in flies and mammals. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 37: 141-156.

Ben-Shlomo, R., R.A. Akhtar B.H. Collins, D.J. Judah, R. Davies and C.P. Kyriacou (2005). Light pulse induced heme and iron associated transcripts in mouse brain – a microarray analysis. Chronobiology International, 22: 455-471.


Fuchs, Y., J. Douek, B. Rinkevich and R. Ben-Shlomo (2006). Gene diversity and mode of reproduction in brooded larvae of the coral Heteroxenia fuscescens. Journal of Heredity, 97:493-498.



Ben-Shlomo, R., G. Paz and B. Rinkevich (2006). Post glacial period and recent invasions shape population genetics of botryllid ascidians along European Atlantic coasts. Ecosystems, 9: 1118-1127.


21. Ben-Shlomo, R., E. Neufeld D. Berger, S. Lenington and U. Ritte (2007). The dynamic of t-haplotypes in wild populations of the house mouse (Mus domesticus) in Israel. Mammalian Genome, 18: 164-172.


Elsalam Zubidat, A., R. Ben-Shlomo, and A. Haim (2007). Thermoregulatory and Endocrine Responses to Acute Light Interferences on Short-Day Acclimated Social Vole (Microtus socialis). Chronobiology International, 24: 269-288.


Ben-Shlomo, R., U. Motro, G. Paz and B. Rinkevich (2008). Pattern of settlement and natural chimerism in the colonial urochordate Botryllus schlosseri. Genetica, 132: 51-58.


Nahum S., G. Ne’eman, M. Inbar and R. Ben-Shlomo (2008). Phenotypic Plasticity and Gene Diversity in Pistacia Lentiscus L. along Environmental Gradients in Israel. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 4: 777-785.


Ben-Shlomo, R. (2008). The Molecular Basis of Allorecognition in Ascidian. BioEssays, 30: 1048-1051.


Ben-Shlomo, R. and C.P. Kyriacou (2010). Light pulses administered during the circadian dark phase alter expression of cell cycle associated transcripts in mouse brain. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics, 197: 65-70.


Ben-Shlomo, R. and C.P. Kyriacou (2010). Chronodisruption alter expression of tumorigenesis associated transcripts in mouse brain. WSEAS Transactions on Biology and Biomedicine, 7: 41-50.


Nahum S., M. Inbar, G. Ne’eman and R. Ben-Shlomo (2010). Phylogeography and gene diversity of the aphid Aploneura lentisci in the Mediterranean basin. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 58: 121-129.

Ben-Shlomo R., E. Reem, J. Duoek and B. Rinkevich (2010). Population genetics of the invasive urochordate species Botryllus schlosseri from South American coasts. Marine Ecology-Progress Series 412: 85-92.


Ben-Shlomo, R. and U. Shanas (2011). Genetic ecotoxicology of asbestos pollution in the house mouse Mus musculus domesticus. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 18: 1264-1269.


Zohar R., I. Izhaki, A. Koplovich and R. Ben-Shlomo (2011). Phytomelatonin in the leaves and fruits of wild perennial plants. Phytochemistry Letters, 4: 222-226.

Ben-Shlomo, R. and M. Inbar (2012). Patch size of gall-forming aphids: Deme formation revisited. Population Ecology, 54: 135-144.

Avrani, S., R. Ben-Shlomo and M. Inbar (2012). Genetic structure of a galling aphid and its host Pistacia atlantica across an Irano-Turanian distribution: from fragmentation to speciation? Tree Genetics & Genomes, 8: 811-820. 


Shanas, U., M. Gidis, Y. Kaska, Y. Kimalov, O. Rosner, R. Ben-Shlomo (2012). The Nile soft-shell turtle Trionyx triunguis of Israel and Turkey: Two genetically indistinguishable populations. Zoology in the Middle East, 57: 61-68.

Steinitz, O., D. Shohami, R. Ben-Shlomo and R. Nathan (2012). Genetic consequences of fire to natural populations. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution, 58: 205-220.

Ketter Katz H., G. Katzir, A. Lustig and R. Ben-Shlomo (2013). DNA Extraction from chameleons' faecal sac. Herpetological Review, 44: 238-240.

Helm, B., R. Ben-Shlomo, M.J. Sheriff, R.A. Hut, R. Foster, B.M. Barnes and D. Dominoni (2013). Annual rhythms that underlie phenology: biological time-keeping meets environmental change. Chapter 5 for a theme issue Biological Clocks: When Science Meets Nature. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 1-10.

Voskoboynik, A., N.F. Neff, D. Sahoo, A.M. Newman, D. Pushkarev, W. Koh, B. Passarelli, C.H. Fan, G.L. Mantalas, K.J. Palmeri, K.J. Ishizuka, C. Gissi, F. Griggio, R. Ben-Shlomo, D.M. Corey, L. Penland, R.A. White, I.L. Weissman, S.R. Quake (2013). The Botryllus schlosseri genome illuminates the early events of vertebrate evolution. eLife, 2: e00569. eLife 2013;2:e00569 doi: 10.7554/eLife.00569

Ben-Shlomo, R. (2014). Chronodisruption, cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 52: 399-403.

Peled, E., R. Ben-Shlomo and U. Shanas (2014). Specialists may thrive in small habitats: the case of high genetic diversity within a confined gecko population. Journal of Zoology, 293: 100-107.

Talal S., I. Tesler, J. Sivan, R. Ben-Shlomo, M. Tahir, L. Prendini, S. Snir and E. Gefen (2015). Scorpion speciation in the Holy Land: multilocus phylogeography corroborates diagnostic differences in morphology and burrowing behavior among Scorpio subspecies and justifies recognition as phylogenetic, ecological and biological species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 91: 226-237.

Peled, E., U. Shanas, L. Granjon and R. Ben-Shlomo (2016). Connectivity in fragmented landscape: generalist and specialist gerbils show unexpected gene flow. Journal of Arid Environments, 125: 88-97.

Rinkevich, B., L. Shaish, J. Douek and R. Ben-Shlomo (2016). Venturing in coral larval chimerism: a compact functional domain with fostered genotypic diversity. Scientific Reports, 6: 19493 doi: 10.1038/srep19493.

Gershberg, A., G. Ne’eman, and R. Ben-Shlomo (2016). Genetic structure of a naturally regenerating post-fire seedling population: Pinus halepensis as a case study. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7: 549. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00549.

Shaham, R., R. Ben-Shlomo, U. Motro and T. Keasar (2016). Genome methylation patterns across castes and generations in a parasitoid wasp. Ecology and Evolution, 6: 7943-7953. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2395.

Danon, G., R. Ben-Shlomo, N. Keidar and N. Dorchin (2017). Geographic and behavioral isolation promote the differentiation of parapatric host-associated forms in bud-galling midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 121: 163-173.

Amit, L., R. Ben-Shlomo and Chiel, E. (2017). Possible role of microbial symbionts in the speciation of the gall-forming aphid, Slavum wertheimae. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 11: 475-484.

Ben-Shlomo, R. (2017). Invasiveness, chimerism and genetic diversity. Molecular Ecology, 26:65026509.


Barjadze S., R. Ben-Shlomo, R. Foottit, E. Maw and M. Inbar (2019). A new species of the genus Tramaforda Manheim, 2007 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae: Fordini) in Israel. Accepted to Spixiana, 4.5.18.


Barjadze, S., S. Halbert, D. Matile and R. Ben–Shlomo (2018). A new genus of gallforming aphids of tribe Fordini Baker, 1920 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Eriosomatinae) from Jordan. Accepted to Annales de la Soci?t? entomologique de France, 54:511-521. DOI: 10.1080/00379271.2018.1532814



Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (Refereed)


Nevo, E., A. Beiles and R. Ben-Shlomo (1984). The evolutionary significance of genetic diversity: Ecological, demographic and life history correlates. In: Lecture Notes in Biomathematics, S. Levin (mang. ed.), Vol. 53: "Evolutionary Dynamics of Genetic Diversity", G.S. Mani (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 13-213.

Nevo, E., R. Ben-Shlomo, A. Beiles, Y. Ronin, S. Blum and J. Hillel (1996). Genomic adaptive strategies: DNA fingerprinting reveal ecological correlates and genetic parallelism to allozyme mitochondrial DNA and RAPDs diversities in the actively speciating blind mole rats in Israel. In: Gene Families: Structure, Function, Genetics and Evolution. R.S. Holmes and H.A. Lim (Eds.). World Scientific Publ., River Edge, New Jersey, pp. 55-70.

Rinkevich, B., G. Paz, J. Douek and R. Ben-Shlomo (2001). Allorecognition and microsatellite allele polymorphism of Botryllus schlosseri from the Adriatic Sea. In: The Biology of Ascidians. H. Sawada, H. Yokosawa and C.C. Lambert (eds.).  Springer, Tokyo, pp. 426-435.

Articles in Conference Proceedings


Nevo, E., B. Lavie and R. Ben-Shlomo (1982). Can allozyme polymorphisms monitor marine environmental quality? In: The 6th Pollution Study Journal (VI Journess Etud. Pollutions). The Intl. Comm. for the Scientific Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea (C.I.E.S.M.), Cannes, pp. 801-805.


Nevo, E., B. Lavie and R. Ben-Shlomo (1988). Population genetic structure of marine organisms as detectors and monitors of marine pollution. UNEP/FAO: Toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation of selected substances to marine organisms (Activity G). MAP Technical Reports Series No. 24. UNEP, Athens, 1988 pp. 37-49.


Ben-Shlomo, R. and C.P. Kyriacou (2010). Light pulse administered during the circadian dark phase alter expression of tumorigenesis associated transcripts in mouse brain. In: Recent Advances in Clinical Medicine (Anninos P, Rossi M, Pham TD, Falugi C, Bussing A, Koukkou M. Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Oncology (ONCOLOGY'10), University of Cambridge, UK, February 23-25, 2010. Pp. 331-336.



תפקידים אקדמיים במכללה/אוניברסיטה

במכללת אורנים

מרצה בחוג לביולוגיה וסביבה

ראש החוג לביולוגיה וסביבה

תפקידים מחוץ למכללה
מרצה בחוג לביולוגיה אבולוציונית וסביבתית באוניברסיטת חיפה (M.Sc.)

מרחב אישי

תחום העניין שלי עוסק באינטראקציה בין הסביבה ובין המבנה הגנטי של מינים שונים של בעלי חיים וצמחים.

תחומי המחקר מתמקדים ברמה הגנומית, בגנטיקה של אוכלוסיות וברמה הגנית בביולוגיה המולקולרית של השעון הצרקדי.