קשרי חוץ של סגל אורנים

​Oranim Faculty Members International Relationships

קשרים בינלאומיים של חברי.ות סגל אורנים​
מילה שוורץ  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1.  University of Iceland 
2.  University of Granada
3. University of Crete 

Research topic/s
1.  Early language education policy and teacher agency 
2.  Language-conducive strategies to enhance communication in the CLIL pre-primary classroom
3.  Language education policy in pre-school education 
אלי אשכנזי  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1.  Palacký University Olomouc, the Czech Republic
2.  University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, the Czech Republic
3.  Mendel University in Brno, the Czech Republic

Research topic/s
1.  Tourism to Jewish heritage sites in the Czech Republic.
2.  Geography outdoor teaching.
3.  Nomadism in the past in the Negev Highlands desert

חיותה ינון  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1.  Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India Zayed
2 Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India
3. University of Jyväskylä, Finland
4. University of Cumbria, Lancaster, UK
5. Lakehead University, Canada
6. University of Southampton, UK

Research topic/s
Meaning of work, career research
אבי קדיש  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

Will be published soon...

Research topic/s
1.  Jewish Dogma after Maimonides
2.  Sefer ha-Middot (Medieval Jewish Ethical work)
3.   Intersection of Jewish philosophy and Maqama literature

נורית קפלן  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1.   University of Toledo 
2.   School Based Family Counseling institution
3.   School Based Family Counseling institution 
4.  University of Iceland

Research topic/s
1.  Multicultural education
2.  Teacher-parents relationships
3.  Teacher-parents engagement during crisis
.Early language education policy and teacher agency

טל יער  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1 Kph College, Vienna, Austria
2  Universite de paris cite
3  University of Hamburg, Germany

Research topic/s
​1.  Teaching Humanitarian aid: A comparative study of Israel and Austria. 
2 Training Geography Teachers.
3​. International Collaboration in T&L. 
Gordon Ginzburg  
Dr. Janina Kahn-Horwitz

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1. University of Iceland, Iceland 
2. University of Cologne, Germany

Research topic/s
1.  re- and inservice teacher education, diverse learners and global citizenship
2.  English as a foreign language struggling learners and intervention strategies

מלכה הלפרן  
Prof. Malka Halpern

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad

1.  Helmholtz center, Braunschweig, Germany
2.  Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
3. Dept. of Zoology, S.P. Pune University, Pune, India

Research topic/s
1.  Legionella 
2.  Quorum Sensing (QS) and Vibrio cholerae
3.  Chironomids microbiota protect the insect under stress conditions

Sigal Achituv  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
College of Education University of South Carolina

Research topic/s
The Case of Early Childhood Jewish Education:  American and Israeli Perspectives on Multiculturalism, Constructivism and Gender
יונת יזרי  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Implementing PREP- Pathways and Resources for Engagement Participation approach by Occupational therapists in Israel education system.

Research topic/s
Mc-Gill University, Montrael, Canada.
laura sigad  

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
University of Education, Upper Austria PHOO
University of Pecs, Hungary

Research topic/s
1. Inclusive Education, Teachers experience working with at risk populations
2.  Fostering Resilience among parents and educators of special needs and at risk child and youth

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Bahaa' Makhoul 

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Media Literacy lab in Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island USA

Research topic/s
1. Digital Literacy for language learning and Teaching 
2..Arabic Language

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Shirley Miedijensky 

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
1. Temasek Polytechnic (TP), Singapore
2. University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland
3. University of Ottawa Canada

Research topic/s
1. Using an AI-Powered Virtual-Human Training Intervention to Support SRL Strategy and Use
2. Parent-Teacher Partnerships on Character Education of Gifted Students
3. STEAM Education
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Ruti Segal 

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
University of Ottawa Canada

Research topic/s
1. STEAM education
2. Integrating technology in Mathematics Education.
3. Learning and teaching mathematics on social networks
Social Emotional Learning in Mathematics Education

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Prof. David Mittelberg     

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Australian Centre of Jewish Civilization, Monash University

Research topic/s
Australian Olim in Israel

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Prof. Lilach Lev- Ari      

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Charles University, Potsdam University

Research topic/s
United in diversity: Contemporary prospects for European Jews - Between assimilation, integration, ‘Jewish renaissance’ and new anti-Semitism

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Emil Halloun      

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Pompeu Fabra University

Research topic/s
1. Postmodern  Philosophy Weak Thought by Gianni Vattimo

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Dr. Tikva Ovadiya      

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Auckland University New Zealand 

Research topic/s
Secondary-tertiary transition 
Teachers'  Mathematics  problem posing 
Undergraduate Mathematics tutors’ learning​
תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Prof. Yoram Gerchman      

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
University of Utah, USA; Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, India; Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, China; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden;  University of Colorado at Boulder, USA; University of Toronto, Canada; University of Wisconsin, USA;  

Research topic/s
Ecology, Biochemistry, Water treatment, Waste to Value. 
Dr Nikki Aharonian  
Dr Nikki Aharonian

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Monash University, Australia

Research topic/s
Teacher professional learning

תואר שני בחינוך  
Dr. Adva Eichengreen

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Leiden University

Research topic/s
Social inclusion of children with disabilities in mainstream schools
​Socio-emotional development of deaf and hard of hearing children and adults in socio-cultural contexts
Dr.  Ayelet Oettinger

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Universidad de Granada, Spain
Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
Research topic/s
1. Medieval Hebrew Literature 
2. Satire in the Hebrew Maqama and its affinity to Medieval European Literature 
3. The King's Son and the Ascetic (Ben ha-Melekh ve-ha-Nazir) by Avraham Ibn Hasdai 
4. Didactics and Pedagogy in the Hebrew Maqama genre 
5. philosophy and Hebrew Maqama genre 
6. Book of the Seeker ((Sefer Ha-Mevaqqesh) by Shem Tob ben Joseph ibn Falaquera

Keren Ketko-Ayali  
Dr. Keren Ketko-Ayali

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Research topic/s
1. Activist Pedagogy Models 
2. Teacher Training for Active Citizenship
3. Political-Social-Emotional Learning in Crisis Times
4. Democratic Education in Challenging Times 

תואר ראשון בחינוך - תואר שני בחינך  
Prof. Avi Berman 

Name/s of the collaborating institution/s abroad
1. Wake Forest University, USA
2. Imperial College London, GB
3. Manipal University, India
4. University of Augsburg, Germany
5. Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
6. University of Oklahoma, USA
7. University of Athens, Greece
8. National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
9. University of Chile, Chile
10. University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Research topic/s
1. Nonnegative Matrices
2. Completely Positive Matrices
3. Spectral Graph Theory
4. Teaching Linear Algebra
5. Mathematical Curiosity
6. Problem Solving and Problem Posing
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